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You Deserve to Be Known, Accepted, and Loved in a Healthy Sexual Relationship

Our judgment-free therapy allows you to explore any sexual topic in a safe and confidential environment.

Happy woman walking down the street after overcoming sexual anxiety

Overcome Sexual Anxiety

Many of our clients are afraid that something is wrong with them because they have a lot of sexual anxiety or sex is painful for them. They are afraid they cannot sexually perform, they have no sexual desire, or sex leaves them feeling unfulfilled. We can help you overcome any sexual problem.

Experience Intimacy with Your Partner

Many couples experience low-to-no sex in their relationships. We know it can be difficult to talk about unsatisfying sexual experiences. But you don’t have to end up isolated or disconnected from the one you love. We can help you reconnect with your partner or even connect for the very first time.

Connect Authentically

Many people are ashamed to talk about their TRUE sexual desires, but feel desperate for an authentic sexual connection. We provide a safe space for you to discuss your sexual desires, even if you think they are different than everyone else. You may find a path to self-acceptance and expression in a loving and intimate relationship.