Overcoming Barriers in Your Counseling Career Path

Navigating the transition from academic training to professional practice in counseling is often marked by numerous challenges and learning opportunities. My supervisee Kisha's journey is a vivid illustration of the resilience and strategic planning required to advance in the competitive field of mental health counseling. This blog post will explore her efforts to secure supervised work experience, refine her job search strategy, and the critical role of professional networking in achieving her career goals.


Supervisee Kisha's PhD Program and LPC Licensure Plans

Supervisee Kisha's initial disappointment with not being accepted into her preferred PhD program is a common hurdle many aspiring counselors face. However, she quickly pivoted to focus on her immediate goal: acquiring her Licensed Professional Counseling (LPC) license. By planning to complete her licensure hours on evenings and weekends, Supervisee Kisha demonstrates a flexible and dedicated approach to her career development, which is essential for success in the field of mental health.


Challenges in Securing Supervised Work Experience

The path to gaining necessary supervised work experience is often fraught with obstacles, from financial burdens associated with paying for supervision to the scarcity of relevant positions, especially in a tight job market. Kisha’s proactive strategy of exploring potential employment in psych hospitals and networking within the Department of Veteran Affairs underscores the importance of persistence and continuous outreach in today's job market.


Effective Resume Building and Job Search Strategies

A well-crafted resume highlighting transferable skills and rich internship experiences is crucial for standing out.  Kisha's focus on accentuating her customer service expertise and client onboarding experience reflects a strategic understanding of how diverse skills can enhance employability in mental health roles. Moreover, her method of integrating job search efforts into her presentations and utilizing professional connections can significantly amplify her visibility and opportunities in the field.


The Importance of Networking

The discussion, during our supervision sessions, we highlighted a key element often overlooked by many professionals: the power of networking. Networking is not just about exchanging business cards but involves building genuine relationships that can lead to significant opportunities. By planning to actively reach out to potential employers, including hospitals and psychotherapy clinics, Supervisee Kisha is taking critical steps toward securing a position that aligns with her career objectives.


Goals, Timing, and Maintaining Faith

The journey towards achieving significant career milestones, like obtaining a PhD or securing a dream job, is often unpredictable.  Kisha’s story is a testament to the importance of faith and timing in professional growth. Encouragement to stay positive and patient is vital, as every professional’s path unfolds uniquely.



Supervisee Kisha's ongoing experience in navigating the complexities of the mental health counseling field is an instructive case for many aspiring counselors. It highlights the necessity of adaptability, the strategic importance of networking, and the need for perseverance in the pursuit of career advancement. By updating her strategies and maintaining a positive outlook, Supervisee Kisha is setting a foundation for future success, which aspiring counselors can emulate to enhance their own career trajectories.


Next Steps for Readers

Evaluate and Plan: Assess your current career stage and define clear, actionable steps toward your next goal.

Network Effectively: Engage with industry professionals and attend relevant events to expand your professional network.

Optimize Your Resume: Ensure your resume reflects not only your qualifications but also your adaptability and transferable skills.